Monday, December 31, 2012

back on the track.

uhh! fuhh! it messy over here. so many dust.*phew!
sorry for not updating for a long time. i'm kinda busy with class, activities, emotionally, weak mental n physical and many things happen around me lately.

*Thanks nadia for the birthday present*

Gambar sekitar Banquet Diraja Alumni UUM

Sibuk dengan add drop sem 6
*jadual sem depan*

jogging sambil menikmati keindahan alam di waktu malam

 menghayati pemandangan sambil melepaskan stress.

sambutan hari jadi yang ke-32 tahun roommate ku, UNIE. * opss! 23 tahun.

 sesi berjimba2 dengan Intaff Society.

 Kehilangan org yang tersayang, my granfather @ Abah. :'( Al- Fatihah.
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